Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Draft #29 - Waffle a lot and get rescued by rares

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This draft converter created by Benjamin Peebles-Mundy.

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This draft is more representative of my draft issues and why I'm still not great at it. I think my first couple picks are OK, but even though it starts to become more and more obvious that blue is probably not flowing, I'm STILL not sure when to give up on it (which you can see in picks like p2 p3 Claustrophobia over Victim). During most of the draft I was kind of going for a solid 3 color U/B/R control deck, but in the end the only blue cards I had were a bad stalker package, which isn't worth splashing to me (since a lot of stalker's value in my opinion are the turn 2 stalker, turn 3 suit up unfun garbage games, and having stalker on a splash makes those games a statistical anomaly rather than something that could regularly happen).

R1, I beat my opponent pretty handily because he had a R/G/W deck with nothing but dorky losers and a Smite the Monstrous for spells. He had some nice cards like a Mayor of Avabruck, but my deck had so much kill power that it was super easy to pick and choose which guys I wanted to let live. It was a really nice change of pace from normal Innistrad games.

R2, my opponent had a U/R/w deck seemingly built around Invisible Stalker, because he had 2 Curiosities but never got to play them on the Stalker itself. Nevertheless, I lost a game because I couldn't beat stalker+haulberk PLUS a murder of crows, but he never had an early stalker in either of the other two games and my deck had more than enough power to beat his thrilling non-stalker creatures. (Even in the stalker game I lost, I had THREE potential peels on the turn before he killed me: blasphemous act, devil's play, and alchemy-into-devil's play since I was doing OK racing him. It's nice to know that somewhere in your deck, you at least have the potential to beat Invisible Stalker.)

I split the finals.

Desperate Ravings was absolutely excellent in this deck. I think it was Gerry who said something like, just don't play it until your hand is bad. That's exactly what I did all match, and I was really happy with the result every time.

I'm also starting to like Morkrut Banshee again. I started off thinking it was another FTK-like power uncommon, then went to hating it because morbid is impossible to trigger, and now I like it again, especially because I think the general wisdom of "it's worse than it looks" causes people to expect it less, which means you'll get more value out of it. It's also really good in decks like this one with multiple cheap ways of killing other guys. If you ever get a Dead Weight + Banshee turn, you'll have a huge swing in your favor.

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