Cards I'm considering: Slayer of the Wicked, Dead Weight, Blasphemous Act
Well, the only reason I mentioned Dead Weight is because I feel like it's in the class of Innistrad cards that you don't feel bad about taking, which is not many of them. Still, it's probably a worse pick than either of the other two.
So it comes down to Slayer vs. Act. Last time I took act over a power uncommon (Invisible Stalker in Draft #5), I was pretty unhappy with the result. Plus, white is an awesome color and Slayer is the boutros boutros, so I went with Slayer.
My Pick:
Pack 1 pick 2:
Cards I'm considering: Bonds of Faith
A nice easy pick. Strong on-color removal.
My Pick:
Pack 1 pick 3:
Cards I'm considering: Travel Preparations, Avacyn's Pilgrim
Well, now's a good time to start drafting a deck. Both of these are good engine cards for a G/W beatdown deck, but Travel Prep is the better one.
My Pick:
Pack 1 pick 4:
Cards I'm considering: Darkthicket Wolf
Super happy to see this wolf after deciding to go for G/W beatdown.
My Pick:
Pack 1 pick 5:
Cards I'm considering: Ambush Viper
My Pick:
Pack 1 pick 6:
Cards I'm considering: Grizzled Outcasts, Shimmering Grotto
I actually did think about the grotto for a second, in case my colors went wrong again and I'd have to only splash the white cards, and because I don't super love Grizzled Outcasts. I ended up taking him though, because he could be a good guy at the top of my curve.
My Pick:
Pack 1 pick 7:
Cards I'm considering: Crossway Vampire, Scourge of Geier Reach
The only card in my colors is dookie butts (and so is the equipment), so I might as well start hedging. I went with vampire because I wouldn't be too unhappy if I had to play like a G/R beatdown deck splashing my white cards.
My Pick:
Pack 1 pick 8:
Cards I'm considering: Festerhide Boar, Silver-Inlaid Dagger
I've been passing boar too much lately. He's probably best in a deck like this where you just constantly jam with ground guys. I like dagger, but I'd rather finish out my guy base first.
My Pick:
Pack 1 pick 9:
Cards I'm considering: Selfless Cathar, Abbey Griffin
I'm not sure how much this pick matters. Maybe abbey griffin is a stronger card, but I was thinking too much about the travel prep curveout.
My Pick:
Pack 1 pick 10:
My Pick:
Pack 1 pick 11:
My Pick:
Pack 1 pick 12:
My Pick:
Pack 1 pick 13:
My Pick:
Pack 1 pick 14:
My Pick:
Pack 1 pick 15:
My Pick:
Pack 2 pick 1:
Cards I'm considering: Dearly Departed
Man, I keep opening this stupid card. If I were even close to playing blue, I'd instantly take the departure.
My Pick:
Pack 2 pick 2:
Cards I'm considering: Gatstaf Shepherd
One of my favorite 2 drops.
My Pick:
Pack 2 pick 3:
Cards I'm considering: Prey Upon
My Pick:
Pack 2 pick 4:
Cards I'm considering: Silverchase Fox, Villagers of Estwald
I like both these guys but my 3 slot is empty right now.
My Pick:
Pack 2 pick 5:
Cards I'm considering: Moonmist, One-Eyed Scarecrow
It's a little early for moonmist, but I do have 3 wolves, so it could end up being pretty useful. More useful than a defender in an attack deck, anyway.
My Pick:
Pack 2 pick 6:
Cards I'm considering: Doomed Traveler
My Pick:
Pack 2 pick 7:
Cards I'm considering: Silver-Inlaid Dagger, (Lumberknot)
I did notice the lumberknot even after thinking it was a bramblecrush, but I still don't want it since I'd rather have the dagger. I can put dagger to better use now anyway, since I have wolves that I can flip by spending a turn equipping.
My Pick:
Pack 2 pick 8:
Cards I'm considering: Rakish Heir, Crossway Vampire
I'm cutting because I don't like kindercatch. I feel like Rakish Heir is the most threatening card to me.
My Pick:
Pack 2 pick 9:
My Pick:
Pack 2 pick 10:
Weird pick. I kind of like having exorcisms, but doomed traveler is a great 1 drop for my deck. I did pause for a minute and think at least.
My Pick:
Pack 2 pick 11:
My Pick:
Pack 2 pick 12:
My Pick:
Pack 2 pick 13:
My Pick:
Pack 2 pick 14:
My Pick:
Pack 2 pick 15:
My Pick:
Pack 3 pick 1:
Cards I'm considering: Gallows Warden, Ambush Viper
Kind of a tough pick for me. Gallows Warden is a beefier guy that can break through, but I looove 2 drops. I felt like Ambush Viper would be better in my deck so I took it.
My Pick:
Pack 3 pick 2:
Cards I'm considering: Darkthicket Wolf, Orchard Spirit, Elder Cathar
Argh, I really wanted that wolf, but I only have 1 three so far (the villagers) and Orchard Spirit is a fine evasive 3.
My Pick:
Pack 3 pick 3:
Cards I'm considering: Gatstaf Shepherd, Avacyn's Pilgrim, Travel Preparations
Another tough pick. Two sheperds would be nuts, but since I've been populating my deck with little dorky losers, I feel like I need to double down on travel prep to give myself more consistent nut curveout capabilities.
My Pick:
Pack 3 pick 4:
Cards I'm considering: Brimstone Volley, Silverchase Fox
This is a pretty late volley, so I think about the splash, but come back to earth soon and take the 2 drop.
My Pick:
Pack 3 pick 5:
Cards I'm considering: Gnaw to the Bone
There's nothing in this pack for my main deck, so it's either cut or take gnaw (or one of the other two horrible G/W cards). I can see boarding gnaw in and having it be good vs. like maybe mirror matches or something, so I go for gnaw.
My Pick:
Pack 3 pick 6:
Cards I'm considering: Midnight Haunting
Popped a huge boner
My Pick:
Pack 3 pick 7:
Cards I'm considering: Elder Cathar
Nice! My deck's going to be good for a change.
My Pick:
Pack 3 pick 8:
Cards I'm considering: Abbey Griffin
He probably makes it in.
My Pick:
Pack 3 pick 9:
Cards I'm considering: Naturalize
I already have a spare.
My Pick:
Pack 3 pick 10:
Cards I'm considering: Feeling of Dread, Rolling Temblor
I don't know how much I should sweat this pick. I could possibly MAYBE play one half of the feeling (which would be pretty bad but just barely serviceable), or cut the Temblor which I just wouldn't want to have played against me usually. I went with the cut.
My Pick:
Pack 3 pick 11:
My Pick:
Pack 3 pick 12:
My Pick:
Pack 3 pick 13:
My Pick:
Pack 3 pick 14:
My Pick:
Pack 3 pick 15:
My Pick:
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My last card was the Unruly Mob. Other candidates are on the right in the board.
I like this deck. I don't think it's elite or anything, but it's stronger and more cohesive than the decks I usually end up with.
Game 1, he mulligans to 5 on the draw while I have T1 Doomed Traveler, T2 Fox with a travel prep. He mounts a defense with an Ashmoth Hound to trade with my fox and a Kessig Wolf that I actually never end up killing, but I'm able to vomit up enough guys and keep crashing through to peck him away. A morbid Festerhide Boar seals the deal.
I boarded out selfless cathar and an ambush viper for Spare from Evil and Cobbled Wings. I think I can make good use of those cards in this matchup (he's B/R).
Game 2, he has Ashmoth Hound and Village Cannibals, while I have Traveler and Fox again. I kind of stall out with only another traveler on 3, but he never does anything except play bad ground guys so the board never gets anywhere. Eventually I draw 5 and play Grizzled Outcasts to go with the Villagers of Estwald I played earlier, while he has a Reckless Waif. Pretty soon he passes with no spell and all the wolves flip, and I conveniently draw the Cobbled Wings I boarded in to crack in for 9. On his next turn he rumbles with everyone, so I throw all my blockers in front of his guys because of the obvious Blasphemous Act that's coming. Sure enough, he has it, and the board resets. I rebuild on his next end step with a Midnight Haunting, while he has a Pitchburn Devils. It's looking like a simple race until I draw a dagger to speed up, and he bricks off.
Game 1, my opponent mulligans to 5 on the draw again, while I have a T2 Gatstaf Shepherd. He's able to keep it from flipping for a long time with a Think Twice, and I'm more interested in dumping my hand, so it doesn't flip until I actually flood out. Fortunately for me, my opponent's board is unimpressive, a Mausoleum Guard and an unflipped delver. As soon as my shepherd flips, he plays a second delver and an abbey griffin to flip it back, so I take this opportunity to cast Unruly Mob and crack with my fox and my own abbey griffin (3 of the only 5 spells I've drawn this game). He trades them both up and my mob grows to 3/3. I play the orchard spirit I sandbagged to flip the shepherd and pass. His next play is flash back think twice, play voiceless spirit, attack me with 2 spirit tokens. I untap and draw prey upon to knock out the spirit and get some damage in, and he untaps and passes with no play and 2 cards in hand, which flips my shepherd.
Here I know that he'd want to keep shepherd from flipping if possible, so he either has lands or some spell he can't play on his turn like Rebuke. It was exactly that, so my howler dies, and he starts chumping. I don't really need to draw any more cards, because he doesn't draw anything relevant either, and he eventually dies.
Game 2, my opponent has T1 Delver on the play, and my first plays are T1 Selfless Cathar, T2 Gatstaf Shepherd. He keeps it from flipping with a T3 Rakish Heir (off plains-island-mountain, which he had last game too) so I untap and Travel Prep my guys and get in. He instantly trades his 2 guys for my shepherd, which I'm happy with. I miss my 3rd drop and pass. His next play is Lantern Spirit. I draw a 3rd land, play a fox, get in for 2 and pass. His next turn is land, another Delver, Cobbled Wings, equip the delver, attack for 2, pass. I draw a villagers, get in for 4 and play it, then pass. He draws, cracks back for 3, plays a Village Ironsmith and equips it with the wings and passes. (My opponent's deck doesn't seem very good.) On my next turn I play the other half of my travel prep and bash in for lots, and he takes it all down to 3. Then my opponent taps out for battleground geist, and decides to sneak 1 damage in with his werewolf. I finally draw a second forest, and since he's at 3, I use Prey Upon to kill his geist and play my 2nd travel prep, making all my guys have at least 3 power and get him.
My opponent played 2 delvers in each of the 2 games and never flipped either one.
R3, my opponent offered the split, which I accepted. If he didn't offer it though, I wouldn't have either, since I kind of like this deck and feel like I could have 3-0ed with it. Nevertheless, I'll take 2 more guaranteed drafts.
I'm happy to finally win again, and what's more is I feel like I didn't really do anything fancy to get there, just made solid draft decisions. On the other hand, I did catch a bit of a break, with two double mulliganing opponents, and one of them with a really embarrassing deck. Either way, I'll take it.
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