It's Phoenix vs. Ornitharch for me this pick, with Bolt of Keranos being the best common. I like Ornitharch just fine, but I think it is a bit overrated, and white is always super overdrafted anyway so I went with the rare. Hopefully I'll get to see if it's actually slam-worthy or not since I never played with it.
My Pick:
Pack 1 pick 2:
Weird pick. The cards that interest me are Spirit of the Labyrinth, Elite Skirmisher, Siren of the Silent Song, and Nyxborn Triton.
I rule out Siren right away because I don't want to double commit especially after taking a red rare. I'd rather take a 2 drop 3/1 than a 3 drop 3/1, so out goes Skirmisher. That narrows it to Spirit vs. Nyxborn Triton.
I chose Spirit because of the puremtgo article (found here) that basically says that R/W decks have the highest win percentage in the format. I can't imagine what uncommon the player to my right took over the other good white aggro cards, but there's a decent chance that it means white will be open. I like U/R, so I think the Triton would still have been a decent pick.
My Pick:
Pack 1 pick 3:
If I took Triton last pack, I'd have to think a little bit harder about this pick because I like Chorus of the Tides quite a bit. As is, the only white card is Excoriate (which is kind of mediocre) so my pick is a pretty easy Kragma Butcher.
My Pick:
Pack 1 pick 4:
This pick was based on the limited discussion that my team (team Face to Face Games) for PT Born of the Gods had. We decided that Fall of the Hammer was one of the best commons in the set and was, in general, better than Bolt of Keranos.
Both white and blue seem to be pretty dry, so I'm keeping my eye on green for now (since I like the Tromper).
My Pick:
Pack 1 pick 5:
Another Fall this late is a blessing. That Spider is also awesome so I think green might be open too.
My Pick:
Pack 1 pick 6:
Pretty strong green card for pick 6. I think about Stormcaller for a minute but then realize there aren't really any quality blue cards coming.
My Pick:
Pack 1 pick 7:
I don't hate Pillar, but I doubt it will be useful in my deck, and I think Nyxborn Rollicker is kind of crappy outside of R/W heroic. Karametra's Favor at least cycles.
My Pick:
Pack 1 pick 8:
Must be a print run. I can't imagine my deck wanting 2 Favors so I split the difference. Ideally I won't have to play either of these.
My Pick:
Pack 1 pick 9:
I'm happy about this trick. The cyclops is not unplayable but I hate spending 4 mana for a card that trades with almost every 2 drop in a 2 drop oriented format.
My Pick:
Pack 1 pick 10:
My Pick:
Pack 1 pick 11:
My Pick:
Pack 1 pick 12:
My Pick:
Pack 1 pick 13:
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Pack 1 pick 14:
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Pack 1 pick 15:
My Pick:
Pack 2 pick 1:
Pretty easy pick. I'm locked into R/G I think, since I saw 0 of any other colors in pack 1, and Leafcrown Dryad is excellent.
My Pick:
Pack 2 pick 2:
At this point I have a ton of spells and not that many creatures, but I'm not U/G where Battlemaster can potentially become evasive. That brings it to Time to Feed vs. Nylea's Disciple, and I feel like I can get Disciple-esque cards (decent bodies) late whereas Time to Feed is quality removal.
My Pick:
Pack 2 pick 3:
Here's what I mean. Same body, better price.
My Pick:
Pack 2 pick 4:
Strictly a cut. I have to theorize more on this in general, but for a card like Vulpine Goliath, I'd rather have one less Gray Merchant in the draft to worry about.
My Pick:
Pack 2 pick 5:
This pick is actually kind of tough. I like Portent, Dragon Mantle and Feral Invocation. I like Shredding Winds too but I'd rather not take a sideboard card over a decent main deck card yet. I ruled out Mantle pretty quickly because I don't have any heroic triggers or evasive guys and I will be pretty evenly split on both colors anyway. I went with Invocation because it really improves my removal spells (Time to Feed and two Falls), plus it's a nice trick. I'd still be happy to get a Portent later in the draft.
My Pick:
Pack 2 pick 6:
I need to start prioritizing creatures. Plus, Cyclops is awesome in R/G.
My Pick:
Pack 2 pick 7:
My Pick:
Pack 2 pick 8:
My Pick:
Pack 2 pick 9:
Not a trivial pick. I like 2 drops but I don't have anything to ramp into, Feral Invocation is still kind of crappy on a 1 toughness guy, and the Minotaur is a beefy stud.
My Pick:
Pack 2 pick 10:
My Pick:
Pack 2 pick 11:
I kind of wish I took the sideboard card but I was nervous about not having enough creatures and having too many tricks.
My Pick:
Pack 2 pick 12:
My Pick:
Pack 2 pick 13:
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Pack 2 pick 14:
My Pick:
Pack 2 pick 15:
My Pick:
Pack 3 pick 1:
Even though I still feel as if I'm creature light, it would be hard for me to pass great removal for what I feel are replaceable creatures.
My Pick:
Pack 3 pick 2:
My Pick:
Pack 3 pick 3:
This pick was tough. Satyr is awesome as a mana fixer (for various double color cards) and ramping into 4s is just awesome. However the other creatures are nice too (the minotaurs and the 1/4). I love Titan's Strength too but I really have to focus on creatures. The 1/4 is easily dismissed since I don't have any Nessian Asps or anything to go crazy with. I also don't feel like I'll be too devoted to red, so I pass on the mediocre 4 mana body. I can't really explain why I took Satyr other than that it "felt" correct. I am willing to admit that my deck might have wanted a Skullcleaver more.
My Pick:
Pack 3 pick 4:
Dryad is just awesome because it plays well both early and late, which is something that none of these other fine cards can do.
My Pick:
Pack 3 pick 5:
This pick might be crazy, but for 3 mana I'd rather have a 2/3 than a 2/2, and bestowing Oread isn't super impressive in my 2 Leafcrown 2 Feral Invocation deck. There's Vulpine Goliath, but perhaps I just don't respect him as much as I should. Plus, I think I have two Minotaurs at this point and giving them trample would be awesome. Trample rocks in this format and is hard to come by.
My Pick:
Pack 3 pick 6:
Nice! I get to start prioritizing Minotaurs.
My Pick:
Pack 3 pick 7:
My Pick:
Pack 3 pick 8:
My Pick:
Pack 3 pick 9:
Uh oh. This must have been a goof grab because I didn't notice this pick until I started writing this recap. I'd really have liked to have that Borderland Minotaur.
My Pick:
Pack 3 pick 10:
My Pick:
Pack 3 pick 11:
Still got some decent Minotaurs.
My Pick:
Pack 3 pick 12:
My Pick:
Pack 3 pick 13:
My Pick:
Pack 3 pick 14:
My Pick:
Pack 3 pick 15:
My Pick:
This draft converter created by Benjamin Peebles-Mundy.
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Rise to the Challenge was the last cut. I felt like Savage Surge and Feral Invocation do its job just as well.
I lost round 1 to a U/B deck. I won game 1 easy enough, but I lost game 2 and 3 to some untimely floods in the mid/late game. There weren't too many super interesting decisions. Destructive Revelry was awesome, Fall of the Hammer was awesome, and I never drew the Phoenix or Mischief and Mayhem. In retrospect I probably should have played 16 lands since I can't really use extra mana very well and my curve isn't that high.
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